Pro Wrestling's Premier Independent Manager - from the West Coast, to the East Coast, to the World Wide Web.


























There is Superman, Spiderman, Batman and Robin. They are all acclaimed superheroes. Now in the year 2002, another hero is born. He is a man who delves into chat rooms, and shatters false myths. He is known as an evil tyrant to some, and a wholesome savior to others. He is known by all as the Punk Mark Buster, and below are his chronicles, as he cleanses the net, one smark at a time.

Any similarity to these below portrayed screen names, and any actual screen names is purely coincidental.


PMB Interviews Hardly a Hardy


PMBChronicles: jeff hardy, is this you?

Hardly_A_Hardy: Yea its me

PMBChronicles: wassup my bling dawg?

Hardly_A_Hardy: You a fan?

Hardly_A_Hardy: Wassup

PMBChronicles: i a fan kid, hollah

Hardly_A_Hardy: Vince is an *ss hole dont ever believe he is a nice person

PMBChronicles: ever met willow the wisp?

Hardly_A_Hardy: Nope

Hardly_A_Hardy: Is he an old wrestler

PMBChronicles: ever heard of the jynx brothers?

Hardly_A_Hardy: No sorry

Hardly_A_Hardy: You want matts e-mail address

PMBChronicles: and u said your name was?

Hardly_A_Hardy: t-bag16

Hardly_A_Hardy: my name is jeff

Hardly_A_Hardy: i thought you were a fan

PMBChronicles: u r so not jeff hardy, but the t-bag part i have no trouble believing

Hardly_A_Hardy: You dont even know me and thats a shame

PMBChronicles: maybe i lied, but if i am not a fan, u r not jeff hardy

PMBChronicles: u don't know a thing

Hardly_A_Hardy: Yes i am man

PMBChronicles: sure lol

Hardly_A_Hardy: Thats why i dont get on the computer is cause kids like you cant believe me

Hardly_A_Hardy: bye

PMBChronicles: u couldn't even answer my questions kreskin

PMBChronicles: so it is ez 4 a pretender to run...

PMBChronicles: but let's make a deal...

Hardly_A_Hardy: Whats the deal then

PMBChronicles: u don't have to answer me, but u have to answer yourself honestly.

Hardly_A_Hardy: ok

PMBChronicles: cause we both know the truth

Hardly_A_Hardy: kool

PMBChronicles: u r not jeff hardy

Hardly_A_Hardy: Yes i am

PMBChronicles: jeff hardly, yes, jeff hardy, no

Hardly_A_Hardy: Fine im not

Hardly_A_Hardy: but i would like to be

PMBChronicles: i knew u were not

PMBChronicles: u realize how much work he put in, and some1 like u just uses his name

Hardly_A_Hardy: sorry

PMBChronicles: it is ok, but i suggest u not do so again

Hardly_A_Hardy: Ok thats kewl

PMBChronicles: later man

Hardly_A_Hardy: see ya


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